Subaru Corporation Announces Management Changes (Effective January 1, 2019)

December 11, 2018

Subaru Corporation Announces Management Changes (Effective January 1, 2019)

Tokyo, December 11, 2018 – Subaru Corporation announces the following management changes which will take effect on January 1, 2019. By reshuffling the management team of its manufacturing organization, the company will further strengthen its efforts to prevent recurrence of the issues identified in relation to final inspection procedures for Japanese domestic market vehicles at its Gunma Manufacturing Division.
The election of a new Director is subject to the approval of the company’s 88th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (the “AGM”) scheduled to be held in June 2019.

Newly-Appointed Executive Officer (Effective January 1, 2019)
Kazuo Hosoya *1
Current title: President of Tokyo Subaru Inc. (Former Executive Vice President of Subaru Corporation)

*1: Nominated as a candidate for the Representative Director position. The election is subject to the approval of the AGM to be held in June 2019 and a resolution at the Board of Directors meeting to be held after the close of the AGM.
Other candidates for new Directors have not been decided at this time.

2. Changes to areas of responsibility of Executive Vice President (Effective January 1, 2019)

Name Effective January 1, 2019 Current
Masaki Okawara *2
Executive Vice President
– Chief Information Officer (CIO)
– IT Strategy Div.
– Chief Information Officer (CIO)
– IT Strategy Div.
– In charge of manufacturing
– China Project Office
Chief General Manager of IT Strategy Div. Chief General Manager of IT Strategy Div.

*2: To retire as Executive Vice President effective March 31, 2019

3. Changes to areas of responsibility of Senior Vice Presidents and Vice President (Effective January 1, 2019)

Name Effective January 1, 2019 Current
Toshiaki Tamegai *3
Senior Vice President
– Manufacturing Div. – Manufacturing Div.
Chief General Manager of Manufacturing Div. and Gunma Plant
Atsushi Osaki
Senior Vice President
– Chief Quality Officer (CQO)
– Quality Assurance Div.
– Customer Service Div.
– Chief Quality Officer (CQO)
– Quality Assurance Div.
Chief General Manager of Quality Assurance Div. and Customer Service Div. Chief General Manager of Quality Assurance Div.
Hiroki Kurihara *4
Vice President
– Japan Sales & Marketing Div. – Customer Service Div.
President of Tokyo Subaru Inc. Chief General Manager of Customer Service Div.

*3: To retire as Senior Vice President effective March 31, 2019
*4: To retire as Vice President effective March 31, 2019

4. Areas of responsibility of Newly-Appointed Executive Officer (Effective January 1, 2019)

Name Effective January 1, 2019 Current
Kazuo Hosoya
Deputy President
– In charge of manufacturing
– China Project Office
President of Tokyo Subaru Inc.
Chief General Manager of Manufacturing Div. and Gunma Plant


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