Electrify America makes second-cycle investment in BTC Power

Thanks to Volkswagen’s former bad habits, Electrify America has $2-billion to invest in EV infrastructure, $800 of that earmarked for California. In order to future-proof its network, EA has wisely divided its investment into four phases. The company is now beginning to announce plans for its second $200-million round of investment in the Golden State, which will be implemented over 30 months, starting in July 2019.

One of the first companies to be invited to the next party is EVSE manufacturer Broadband Telecom Power (BTC Power), which has won an EA grant to expedite its production of charging hardware.

BTC Power increased its California workforce by 25 percent in 2018, and is expecting another double-digit percentage increase in hiring in the coming years.

The company offers a full range of home and commercial charging solutions, including DC fast chargers with power levels from 25 kW to 500 kW, as well as energy management and battery storage systems.

“Our EV hardware is so future-forward that only 20 percent of the sales of EVs sold in the next few years will be able to utilize the full capability of the chargers,” said BTC Power CEO Frank Meza.

Source: Broadband Telecom Power

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