Opel employees make front against partial sale

Numerous employees of the car manufacturer Opel protested against management sales plans at the Rüsselsheim headquarters. A large crowd left the factory premises on this Thursday morning and marched through the city in a demonstration. In the morning, a company meeting with several thousand participants was to take place in one of the factory halls.

In particular, workers are opposed to the sale of parts of the International Technical Development Center (ITEZ) to service provider Segula in November. About 2000 engineers are to change the employer until next summer, because Opel the center with last approximately 7000 employees according to own data can no longer be used.

The demonstrators carried banners with inscriptions like “No future without participation” or “Attitudes now”. Younger employees demanded: “It’s about our acquisition.” Future: Perpetual. ”

The automaker was in the summer of 2017 from the French Peugeot Mother PSA, which now supplies many parts of the new Opel models. In addition, the development contracts of the former parent company are in progress General Motors from the USA. The IG metal requires safeguards for those workers who switch to Segula. So far, none of the demands has been implemented, it said in a call to the Assembly. There is also a lack of concrete implementation of the promised investments, for example for a second model in Rüsselsheim.

A company spokesman recalled the commitments to keep all the plants and invest there. Also, the partial sale to Segula is the best solution to get the underutilized jobs. It remains in dialogue with the social partners, but not all issues have been resolved.