VW wants to delete up to 7,000 jobs

If the production of electric cars could be raised at the VW locations Emden and Hanover a total of up to 7,000 jobs will be lost. However, this would only be possible if partial retirement arrangements were fully exploited, reported the news agency dpa, citing unspecified sources. Previously, the ” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung “reported on the basis of internal planning of the Group from a corresponding job cuts.

The reason for the planned job cuts is called the conversion of production to electric cars. It is considered less expensive. In order to cushion the changeover at the two locations, job security was agreed until the end of 2028. At the same time, according to dpa information, future jobs can arise around the megatrend of digitization in the plants. Temporary workers want Volkswagen Contracts with Porsche and in the VW factory in kassel to offer.

Around a third of jobs could be eliminated

Only recently had CEO Herbert Diess announced that there will be no redundancies at the two locations. The Passat, which was previously manufactured in Emden, will in future be added to the Czech Republic Skoda relocated. For this purpose, an e-compact car for less than 20,000 euros in addition to limousines of several brands will be manufactured in Emden. In Hanover, the electric minibus ID Buzz is to be built, but also the “Bulli” will continue to be built there. In addition, according to the Group Works Council, a large electric vehicle will roll off the production line there.

Other considerations of the VW Group could also play a role in the plans. On Thursday, VW boss Diess because of the planned sharper CO2 limits from 2021 to 2030 by 37.5 percent again warned against a loss of jobs , But there are also major construction sites in the group: the diesel affair costs billions, and the new emissions test WLTP puts the industry according to Diess “to the edge of their capacity”. Due to missing approvals for VW the company had to rent already large parking areas for new cars – among other things on the Berlin breakdown airport BER ,

According to the “FAZ”, about one third of the total of 22,000 jobs would be affected by the planned dismantling in Emden and Hanover. According to dpa could be deleted up to 4000 jobs in Hanover and up to 3000 in Emden. This is possible only on a voluntary basis. In Hanover then remained well over 10,000 employees, in Emden about 6000.

Editor’s note: In an earlier version it was said that CO2 emissions from cars had to be cut by 35 percent between 2021 and 2030. The reduction should actually but 37.5 percent amount ,