Vimcar strengthens fleet management

The company Vimcar wants to expand and expand its fleet management.

Since 2015 offers Vimcar a logbook that with simplicity and Cyber ​​security wants to score. Now you want to expand the concept to entire fleets and thus reach more customers.

VW Nutzfahrzeug Flotte

Thanks to a dongle, the management of the logbook for self-employed people is very easy. This should apply in the future for entire fleets. Thus, one plans to extend the concept to medium-sized companies.

The startup Vimcar based in Berlin has collected 12 million euros in this regard, although this was not the first round of financing. This is to expand the concept and emerge from the niche of the logbook for the self-employed.

It focuses on the compatibility of different brands. Every manufacturer has their own software for the vehicle data. You want to eliminate this obstacle with your own software. In addition, new features have been developed: the location Real time. This should benefit both the fleet management and the clientele.

On the dongle, which is plugged into the OBD interface, you want to do without. In the future, we want to focus on working with manufacturers. These do not share the data yetbut you are in good spirits that this will change. For example, both Tesla as well as BMW corresponding interfaces opened. Thus, a dongle in the interface is unnecessary.

However, the market is competitive because there is a lot of competition. So have different manufacturers different systems on offer. There are also large providers such as the telematics service provider TomTom or small startups like Azowo who work with cloud computing. Therefore Vimcar wants to acquire a new niche, the small fleets of the middle class. That means companies that have around 20 vehicles in the fleet. Already, however, one has larger customers, such as Zalando or the alliance under contract.


About David Flora

I’ve been writing about the topic of Autonomous & Connected Driving since 2011 and also talk about it on other sites like the Smart Mobility Hub. I studied social sciences at the HU Berlin and since 2012 I am a freelance journalist. Contact:

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