AEye iDAR: Sensor Performance Validation Report (VSI Labs)

AEye IDAR: Sensor Performance Validation Report (VSI Labs)

On November 8th, 2018, VSI Labs, one of the nation’s leading automated vehicle technology experts, oversaw the performance testing of AEye’s iDAR system with emphasis on applications for safety and autonomy. The three specifications tested were range, scan rate, and accuracy of color fusion.

In all three performance tests, it was determined that the tests carried out by AEye employees and witnessed by Sara Sargent, applications engineer for VSI Labs, were valid and that the objective was reached: 1) The sensor was able to detect a target at a distance of 1000 meters 2) The iDAR system recorded 3316 files in 30 secs., signifying a scan rate of 110.5 Hz and 3) The real-time color fusion accurately represented the colors of moving and/or stationary objects, as well as accurately represented whether an object was bright, dark, or neutral in color and the size of the object relative to other objects in the frame.

Based on its findings, VSI Labs determined that AEye’s iDAR system “can detect and potentially classify objects with enough precision, accuracy, and distance not possible with conventional LiDAR or camera sensors.”

Download the VSI Performance Report
AEye iDAR: Sensor Performance Validation Report (VSI Labs) —

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