Nuvve Announces Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Pilot Programs


V2G needs yet to breakout from pilot to the commercialization phase

San Diego-based Nuvve Corporation tries to bridge the gap between renewable energy and EV charging through the transition of Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) from concept to commercialization.

It’s not an easy task, especially when bi-directional charging so far was done almost entirely using CHAdeMO standard, which currently is not the most popular among the new long-range EVs (with big batteries).

Anyway, Nuvve outlines global strategic partnerships and pilot programs, including the biggest project with up to 1,500 V2G chargers in UK.

Here is the list with several initiatives, which shows us the current stage of V2G developments:

  • Strategic partnership with EDF: Nuvve recently entered into a strategic partnership in Europe with EDF Group, a key player in low carbon energy, in support of the company’s Electric Mobility Plan. As part of these efforts, Nuvve and EDF Group will develop a joint venture to further develop EV and V2G solutions for the European market and support the generation of CO2-free power and the advancement of new electricity applications.
  • Smart charging pilot program with EDF Energy (EDFE): Serving as a first-step program of the EDF strategic partnership, Nuvve will be installing up to 1,500 of its V2G chargers configured with Nuvve’s Grid Integrated Platform (GIVe™) throughout the UK over the next several months. These chargers will support EDFE’s business customers and be used at its own work sites to provide additional energy storage capacity. The stored electricity will be made available for sale on the energy markets or for supporting grid flexibility at times of peak energy use.
  • Expansion of the University of California San Diego’s Triton Rides service: Building upon its collaboration with UC San Diego for its INVENT V2G demonstration project, the university recently added an EV fleet (five cars total) to its Triton Rides program, which provides free nighttime shuttle service to all UC San Diego students, staff and faculty. These new EVs, provided by Nuvve, will take advantage of the company’s V2G bidirectional charging stations around UC San Diego’s campus and will provide grid services, helping to inform the INVENT project’s use case of campus fleet vehicles to optimize unused and renewable energy.
  • Microgrid for Affordable and Sustainable Electricity in Remote Areas (MASERA) pilot project: A joint effort in Singapore between EDF, Enedis, and the Nanyang Technological University, this program will deploy a commercial offering, including Nuvve’s V2G software platform and bidirectional charging hardware, of an affordable and high-performance microgrid for isolated territories in Southeast Asia.
  • V2G charging/discharging demonstrations in Japan: In collaboration with Aichi Prefecture, Toyota Tsusho Corporation, and Chubu Electric Power Company, Nuvve will supply its V2G platform to initiate charging and discharging demonstrations with EV batteries and plug-in hybrid vehicles in order to survey the impact and potential for V2G systems on the power grid in Tokyo City, Japan.

Gregory Poilasne, co-founder and CEO, Nuvve said:

“Awareness for V2G technology and the impact it can have for businesses, the electricity grid, and the environment is gaining momentum. As proven by our recent partnerships and pilot programs, Nuvve is committed to fueling innovation in V2G technology to bridge the needs of electric power and electric transportation, support EV penetration targets, enable integration of renewable energy sources, and, most importantly, create a greener, cleaner planet.”

Kevin Mak, principal analyst, Strategy Analytics said:

“V2G technology is the aim for power companies in order to balance demand on the grid. To our knowledge, there is no other V2G technology provider that is as experienced as Nuvve or that can enable and time bidirectional energy flows between EVs and the grid, span both the automotive and power sectors, and realize new energy demand for multiple industry sectors.”

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