Hyundai Elevate, the new vehicle with legs

It may seem like a vehicle from a science fiction movie, but it is a reality that has been seen in theCES fair in Las Vegas. The new concept Hyundai Elevate revolutionizes mobility in emergency situations with complicated terrains thanks to its robotic legs that allow it to overcome obstacles.

It’s a car? Is a robot? It’s a walking car, a Walking Car, according to Hyundai. The surprising proposal of the Korean brand has focused much of the attention among thenews of the CES electronic fairfrom Las Vegas. The purpose of this unique vehicle is to facilitate rescue efforts in disasters and conflicts, which in 2017 caused 10,000 deaths and 201 million people in humanitarian assistance situations around the world.

Wheels and legs of the Hyundai Elevate

The Hyundai Elevate is an electric vehicle that can circulate like a normal car and that can deploy robotic legs with which to rise and overcome obstacles on the ground. In this last mode, the vehicle can walk at a speed of 5 km / h on land with multiple irregularities or obstacles such as rocks, tunnels or slopes.

The new concept of Ultimate Mobility Vehicle (UMV) has the ability to “take people where a car could not reach and redefine our perception of mobility,” according to David Byron, design manager at Sundberg-Ferar.

Source: Global Car

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