Subaru Corporation Announces Production and Retail Sales Plans for CY2019

January 15, 2019

Subaru Corporation Announces Production and Retail Sales Plans for CY2019

Tokyo, January 15, 2019 – Subaru Corporation today announced its annual production and retail sales plans for calendar year 2019.

1. Production (Units in Thousands)
2018 Result ’18 vs ’17 2019 Plan ’19 vs ’18
Japan Production *1 660 -7% 650 -2%
Overseas Production *2 359 -1% 380 +6%
Global Production 1,019 -5% 1,030 +1%

*1: Includes production of Toyota 86 models
*2: Excludes CKD production in Asia

Production in Japan is projected to decrease 2% to 650,000 units.
In prospect of continued strong sales in North America, overseas production is projected to be 380,000 units, which will be an annual production record.

2. Retail Sales (Units in Thousands)
2018 Result ’18 vs ’17 2019 Plan ’19 vs ’18
Japan Sales *3 148 -16% 150 +1%
Passenger Cars *4 119 -17% 120 +1%
Overseas Sales 914 +4% 930 +2%
U.S. 680 +5% 700 +3%
Canada 58 +6% 60 +3%
Australia 50 -5% 50 +0%
China 22 -29% 25 +14%
Other *5 104 +7% 95 -9%
Global Sales 1,063 +0% 1,080 +2%

*3: Includes OEM vehicles
*4: Passenger cars excluding mini vehicles
*5: Includes vehicles from CKD production in Asia

U.S sales are projected to be 700,000 units, which will mark the 11th consecutive year of record U.S. sales.
Global sales are projected to be 1,080,000 units, which will mark the 8th consecutive year of record global sales. While production in Japan is projected to decrease 2%, the company plans to achieve the sales growth projections by optimizing vehicle distribution operations.

Forward-looking statements in this document including production and sales forecasts are based on the information available at the time of announcement and are subject to various risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to vary materially.


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