Ecobonus and FCA, here’s who risks: there are 5 models produced at Mirafiori and Grugliasco

If the battle against the Ecobonus is fought, at the moment, with slogans and statements (parade and response, depending on the interlocutor), how it translates, concretely, the tool of (dis) incentive that the government is studying for the automotive sector and that scares FCA so much?

The fears that Mike Manley revealed yesterday speaking from Detroit, where he spoke openly about an “investment review” in Italy in the case of confirmed ecobonus end up involving very closely, especially the territory of Turin. This is revealed by an analysis developed by Fim-Cisl, which has done – as in school – the blackboard of the “good” and that of the “bad”. And if in the vouchers (ie those that are actually favored by the ecobonus) are counted all the productions made by houses competing abroad, in punishment we end up a lot of FCA models made in Italy, a good part of which at Mirafiori and Grugliasco.

And so, among the electric models, they smile the Bmw I3, the Citroen C-Zero and E-Mehari, the Hyundai Ioniq and Nuova Kona, the Kia Soul, the Mitshubishi i Miev, the Nissan Leaf and Evalia, the Peugeot iOn and Tepee , the Renault Zoe, the two- and four-seater Smart EW, the Tesla model 3 and the VolksWagen eGolf and eUp. Hybrids smile at other BMWs (Series 2 and Series 5), at Hyndai Ioniq, at Kia Optima, also in the SW and Niro Phev versions, the Mercedes GLC, the Mitshubishi Outlander, the Mini Countryman and the Toyota Prius plug in and full hybrid .

The pains for Fca in Italy (and in our territory), come from the other column, that of the models penalized by the ecotax: stand out among the models produced in Cassino, Modena (Maserati), Melfi and Atessa also the suv Maserati Levante “at home” in Mirafiori – waiting for the electric 500, if it ever arrives – but also the Ghibli B and the Quattroporte made in Grugliasco, together with Gran Turismo and the Gran Cabrio.

“The government does the opposite of what it says – comments Claudio Chiarle, provincial secretary of Fim Cisl -, favors work abroad and puts at risk the dismissal of Italian FCA workers”. “The numbers – he continues – say that in Italy there are more than 80 thousand employees, of which about 20 thousand in Piedmont.The government immediately withdraw the ecobonus and make it coincide with the production of Italian electric models, just so we protect our productions and work in our country Learn from the French, who are not nationalists in words or with propaganda “.

“The announcement of FCA on the revision of the investment plan in Italy after the introduction of the eco-tax is the clear testimony of the damage that can create an amateur and incompetent government even when it intervenes on shared issues”: this is what Silvia Fregolent, the parent, declares of the Democratic Party in the House Finance Committee.

“Paying those who pollute for the benefit of those who do much less is a right approach, but its application makes it unfair and ineffective, as many industry analysts have already pointed out. The standard does not take into account the kilometers traveled and the driving style: so the tax will not be proportional to the actual pollution produced. At the same time this provision was not agreed with the companies of the sector, thus creating serious problems for those who had started a serious and detailed planning of investments and assumptions “.

“Italy is losing all credibility with international investors by inventing counterproductive taxes without any benefits for citizens and for their quality of life”, concludes Silvia Fregolent.

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