EU wants to clarify liability issues

The EU Parliament wants to take a special interest in the topic of autonomous driving and ratify laws.

While the auto industry from Enthusiasm deviates, the EU takes up the issue and plans to position itself to.


Members of the European Parliament are calling for more commitment in the field of road safety and associate this with industry support. You see yourself in competition with the US and China lagging behind, so a motion on the further rule, adopted by a majority of votes.

Therefore, they now want to provide financial means to promote the networking and automation of vehicles. In addition, they want to work for a unified regulation at UN level. The regulations of the so-called Vienna Agreement should be further modified with regard to autonomous driving. The Vienna Agreement regulates the Highway Code, but countries like the US have not signed the agreement and therefore are not bound by it.

In addition, they want to strengthen themselves for systems that allow a mixed traffic of automated and non-automated vehicles. But the big chunk is the issue of liability for accidents involving automated vehicles. It should be clarified beyond doubt who should be held liable for it. This discussion around the liability by the travelers or the manufacturers was already extensively discussed in Germany, without having found a solution.

Research should also be more involved. So she is to research the effects of autonomous driving. In doing so, one has also researched the acceptance, the accident prevention and the physical reactions. In addition one must the topic of the ethics, the Cyber ​​security and of data protection to investigate Autonomous Driving. But one should limit oneself to the personal data. In principle, networking and data analysis by third parties should be possible.

Furthermore, at the EU level, it is intended to develop burdensome regulations for the automation of other modes of transport. That would affect the Aircrafts, the shipping and the rail transport,

The aim is to support the technical feasibility of autonomous driving in order to reduce the number of road deaths and accidents. Compulsory systems are also to be installed to increase security.

In order to prevent more traffic in the cities through automation, the sharing of vehicles should also be promoted.

EU Parliamentary Protocols in short version and in more detail,

About David Flora

I’ve been writing about the topic of Autonomous & Connected Driving since 2011 and also talk about it on other sites like the Smart Mobility Hub. I studied social sciences at the HU Berlin and since 2012 I am a freelance journalist. Contact:

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