Ecobonus, Fim-Cisl launches the challenge to the Regional Council: “Make an agenda against the decision of the Government”

“Today, the Piedmontese policy seems more concerned to ask FCA what the changes to the Business Plan will be, rather than asking the Government to eliminate the bonus echo from the Budget Law, which penalizes Italian products and workers in favor of foreign productions. Where is the “first Italians” of the Government? “.

No mention of wanting to pose, the dust raised in recent days in the economic and trade union (not to mention the political repercussions) linked to the eco-bonus studied by the Government that penalizes many of the FCA productions in Italy and Turin (Mirafiori and Grugliasco) and that actually has cooled the intentions of investment by the Lingotto, as told to Mike Manley earlier this week, from Detroit.

And to revive the argument is Fim Cisl, who after reiterating which are the models that more than others are likely to end up behind the blackboard with the provision of the executive, now puts the Regional Council in the crosshairs: “We think it is wrong to call FCA at this moment in a confrontation to be told “necessarily” that the Industrial Plan adapts to government measures, because it would suffer

the Government initiative with a strong penalization for the FCA plants in Turin – declares Claudio Chiarle, Fim provincial secretary -. The government has already done damage to the car market with the announcement of the eco bonus, which will start in March 2019, as those who want to buy a car, today, wait to see what will happen. Not only the economic stagnation, but the nefarious declarations of the Government have brought down the car market, at least in Italy “.

“At this stage – adds Chiarle – the only necessary action is to press the Government on the withdrawal of the provision relating to eco-bonuses that damage work and employment in Italy and in particular in Turin. And President Boeti, rather than regret the lack of availability, at this stage, of FCA to an open Regional Council, proposes to the regional assembly an agenda to condemn the position of the Government on eco-bonuses. It would be a strong and decisive political act that does not follow the trade union and political positions that have always opposed FCA’s investments and industrial plans and that have not brought any economic added value to workers in the last ten years “.

In recent days, Uilm had defined the ecotax as a harakiri for the auto sector. “At this point – said the provincial secretary Dario Basso – the only sensible move by the executive would take a step back, change the provision and call as soon as possible company and union for a clarification”.

A decidedly distant position – and this is not the first time – from that expressed just in the past few hours by Fiom-Cgil, which by the voice of its provincial secretary Edi Lazzi had criticized the eco-bonus, but had above all indicated in that of FCA an instrumental position to justify the delays of investments and the openings to new engines. Meanwhile, tomorrow the GCIL metalworkers will meet with FCA, CNHi and Ferrari to discuss the platform in view of the renewal of the national contract. The appointment is at 14 at the Industrial Union of Turin, Via Fanti 17. At the helm of the delegation there will be Michele De Palma, Fiom-Cgil national secretary and automotive manager.

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