Faconauto supports Anfac’s complaint to the European Commission

The dealers ‘association, Faconauto, today showed its support for the complaint filed by the employers’ association, Anfac, before the European Commission and before the Council for the Market Unit of the Law on Climate Change and Energy Transition of the Government of the Balearic Islands, by which diesel cars can not circulate on the islands after 2025 and the rest of the combustion vehicles after 2035.

Faconauto has expressed concern that, if this regulation is approved, it will seriously jeopardize the vehicle distribution and repair sector on the islands, since customers will stop buying the combustion models, which currently amount to 99% of the registrations. The Balearic concessionaires employ 5,000 people directly and another 20,000 indirectly.

The employers have also warned that the future norm is irresponsible in the deadlines, does not respond to the needs of drivers or to this market reality, in which new diesel and gasoline vehicles will continue to be an option in the next few years. very valid in multiple situations, for its efficient fuel consumption and because the manufacturers are taking decisive actions to minimize their impact on the environment.

From a legal point of view, the Balearic Law project would invade state and EU competences, in particular, the regulations for the approval of EU vehicles (the “CE” marking). The CE mark is like a “passport” for the trade of a product within the countries of the European Union. For this reason, once the product has been approved, not even the Member States can prohibit, restrict or prevent the placing on the market or putting into service of a product with CE marking, which would also go against unrenounceable as is the market unit.

Faconauto believes that the most effective way to ensure sustainable mobility in the Balearic Islands in the short and medium term is to encourage vehicles that are more pollutant and unsafe for more than ten years to withdraw from circulation. The average age of the Balearic automobile fleet stands at 12.7 years, above the national average, which was 12.1 years.

Finally, employers warns that the massive deployment of electric vehicles collected by the Balearic draft will be impossible if the regional government is not encouraged its acquisition through a plan continued in time and well endowed budget and should facilitate the extension of points also of recharge.

Faconauto is the employer association that integrates the associations of official dealers of the automobile brands present in the Spanish market. It represents the interests of 2,087 car dealerships and on which approximately 1,490 second level distribution companies (agencies and official services) depend, which totals more than 3,577 automotive SMEs. These companies generate 162,434 direct jobs and a turnover of 32,145 million.

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