Maserati di Grugliasco, you go towards a single central shift from 8 to 16

A single central shift of 8 hours, from 8 to 16. The umpteenth symptom of a condition of health that for FCA appears to be anything but iron. And that also in this case closely concerns the so-called “Polo del lusso” and in particular – for now – the Maserati factory in Grugliasco.

This is what emerged from today’s meeting between the company and Fiz Cgil’s rsa. “We have acknowledged and signed no agreement, unlike the other acronyms – says Giacomo Zulianello – From my point of view there was no negotiation and no conquest”.

The consequence that emerges with this decision is simple to understand: “It is clear the savings for the company and the additional cost downloaded on workers – adds Zulianello – We have criticized the behavior of FCA fleeing from institutional meetings and with the union During the meeting it also emerged that the payment of the prizes is not certain “.

Conti in hand, this is about 70-100 euros per month less in paychecks regarding the increase in discomfort shift for those who make the second (from 18 to 22). Not to mention other “collateral” inconveniences. For example “for those who, husband and wife, usually work in alternate shifts in order to manage the family and now find themselves in difficulty, having only one working time”, explains Zulianello.

And the trade union representative recalls a similar case, but it was otherwise concluded. “When we were in Bertone, we communicated the work on a single shift, but all together we blocked the Allamano factory and folded the company”. This time, however, things seem to go differently, while tomorrow there will be the meeting on Mirafiori, from which they expect more news about it.

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