Carlos Ghosn’s lawyer appeals the refusal of his release

Despite the accumulation of revelations against him, Carlos Ghosn’s defense intends to get him out of prison. On Thursday, the Tokyo court said the lawyers for the formerCEO from Nissan and still formally CEO of Renault , incarcerated in Japan for almost two months, appealed the refusal to release their client on bail.

Under the blow of three charges for breach of trust and other financial malpractice, Carlos Ghosn is currently in custody in Kosuge Prison until at least March 10, unless the appeal filed today reverses the trial decision issued two days ago.

Family visits

The principal advocate of the 64-year-old leader, Motonari Otsuru , had previously indicated refuting the reason that the detention in custody of Carlos Ghosn was justified by a risk of concealment or destruction of evidence and leakage.

For their part, prosecutors argued with the judge that, being most often based abroad, the businessman might be tempted to evade Japanese justice.

Restrictions on movement may, however, frame a possible release, as is the case for his ex-right-hand man, Greg Kelly, arrested at the same time as him but released on December 25 . The charges against him are lighter than those against Carlos Ghosn, but he is nevertheless prohibited from leaving the Japanese territory or coming into contact with the protagonists of the case.

The court, however, allowed visits from his family, in addition to those of his lawyers and consular staff of France, Lebanon and Brazil, the three countries of which he is a citizen.

Carlos Ghosn was able to defend for the first time his cause last week in court, during an exceptional appearance at his request. Worn and handcuffed into the courtroom, he was “falsely accused”, denying the allegations point by point. His trial, in which he theoretically risks up to 15 years in prison, will not take place for months .

AFP Source

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