ACI: Accidents on secondary suburban roads


Milan, Venice, Padua and Treviso the provinces with more accidents. Latina and Naples those with the highest mortality rate

The provinces with the highest accident rate – both by number and by accident density – on secondary suburban roads are: Milan (693 km of roads, 741 accidents, 13 dead and 1,194 injured), Venice (860 km, 490 accidents, 12 dead and 709 injured), Padua (1,039 km, 542 accidents, 14 dead and 745 injured) and Treviso (1,136 km, 586 accidents, 15 dead and 863 injured).

The provinces with high severity – by number of deaths, mortality rate (deaths per 1,000 road accidents) and severity index – are instead: Latina (938 km of roads, 249 accidents, 21 dead and 443 injured) and Naples (520 km, 267 accidents, 22 dead and 435 injured).

These are the data emerging from “Localization of road accidents in 2017 on provincial roads”, the study, carried out by the ACI, which analyzes the number of accidents – both in terms of absolute value and road km (density) – and the severity of accidents – that is to say: death in absolute value and high indexes (mortality rate and severity index) – on the provincial secondary road system.

There are two types of tables published: one with accidents, deaths, injuries and indicators for each provincial road, the other with data for each provincial road aggregated according to the Municipality where the incident occurred, useful for identifying the most dangerous of a certain road.

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