No-deal-Brexit would be “catastrophic” according to Ford: To equip British carmaker against the Brexit boom

For months, British carmakers warn of the heavy consequences of a disorderly EU exit. The automakers then face customs barriers that would severely disrupt their supply chains. The industry is working hard on contingency plans for the horror scenario of no-deal brexit.

 Der größte britische Autohersteller Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) hatte schon vor...

Half a year ago, Jaguar Land Rover (JLR), the largest British automaker, had clearly warned against a disorderly Brexit. Now, JLR said they regret the vote of no confidence in the resignation plan, and called on UK parliamentarians to exclude a no-deal Brexit. JLR wants to cancel 4500 jobs and justifies this with the preparation for the costs incurred by Brexit.

(Photo: REUTERS)
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