Carlos Ghosn’s lawyers try a third time to release him

After having suffered a first refusal Tuesday then a second failure on appeal Thursday , the lawyers of Carlos Ghosn redeposited, this Friday morning, in front of a judge of the court of Tokyo, a request for release of bail of their customer.

If they did not explain the reasons for this new attempt, it is likely, according to the lawyers, they added, since the filing of their first application a week ago, new elements in the file of their client to take away, this time, the approval of the court.

They could, for example, have secured, for the CEO Renault, a housing deemed more appropriate in Tokyo. A place in which he must reside several months until the organization of his trial. The conditions for validating bail are, in fact, very strict and include numerous prohibitions or restrictions on movement. Travel out of the capital should, for example, be restricted.

This new request is also an opportunity to keep the pressure on the magistrates by hammering that the exit of their client, who has been incarcerated for two months now, poses no risk for the investigation of the prosecutor. His councils can file as many requests for release as they wish.

Renewal without limit

If this new trial also failed, his defense could decide to wait until the next legal deadline to be March 10, two months after his last indictment. Under Japanese law, pre-trial detention, which follows an indictment, runs in effect for two months before being extended for periods renewable by one month at the request of the prosecutor.

This extension is without limit and Carlos Ghosn could, theoretically, remained in prison until his trial, whose date has not been fixed. These long detentions are common, even for cases of financial delinquency, in cases where the suspects refuse to recognize the charges brought by the prosecutor. This is the case for the Franco-Brazilian boss who categorically denies any wrongdoing.

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