Millions of Heavy Payments to Renault CEO – Nissan Demands Money: Ghosn is said to have received money from subsidiary

Mitsubishi Motors: Ghosn erhielt von Tochterfirma Geld - ohne dass der Vorstand davon wusste


Mitsubishi Motors: Ghosn received money from the subsidiary – without the board knowing

The Ex-Chairman of the Ex-Board of Directors in custody Nissan and Mitusbishi, Carlos Ghosn, is reported to have received funds from a Dutch subsidiary without any knowledge of the board of directors following internal investigations. The sum had been transferred “illegally” to Ghosn. That was the result of a joint internal audit, both Renault partners announced on Friday.

Ghosn got from the Nissan Mitsubishi B.V. (NMBV) 7,822,206 euros in compensation received – without consultation with the board of the joint venture. Neither his deputy Hiroto Saikawa at Nissan nor Mitsubishi boss Osamu Masuko were informed about the payment. Nissan now wants to reclaim the money from his former chairman. “Other suspicious, illegal behavior” could not be determined, said Mitsubishi Motors in his message.

Also read:France wants successor to Renault boss GhosnGhosn’s request for release on bail again dismissedWife of ex-Nissan boss Ghosn complains of prison conditions

NMBV belongs in equal parts to the two Japanese car makers. The company was founded in 2007 for the purpose of “investigating and promoting the synergies of the partnership”. Ghosn was head of the alliance between Nissan, Mitsubishi and the French carmaker Renault.

64-year-old Ghosn was arrested on 19 November for violating stock exchange regulations. In addition, the should RenaultChief Public Prosecutor has transferred private investment losses to Nissan. Ghosn’s lawyer demanded again Friday the release of the manager on bail. So far, however, he could not prevail with this claim in court.

Just days after his arrest, Nissan and Mitsubishi Motors had fired him as chairman of the board. Renault, however, held long to the manager, France’s government calls as a shareholder but now a new chairman of the board. Michelin-chef Jean-Dominique Sénard will be in the conversation. CEO is to be Ghosn’s deputy Thierry Bolloré, who already leads the business.

dpa-AFX / RTR / afp / akn

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