Brose & Aunde team up

The two companies in the automotive industry, Brose and Aunde, found a joint venture: Brose Aunde.

Two automotive suppliers are joining forces to form a joint venture: Brose and Aunde. Brose produces parts for u. a. Doors and seats and Aunde also supplies parts for seats, such as springs or textiles. Aunde is also known by its subsidiary Fehrer.

The joint venture should therefore also focus on sitting in the car. Both shareholders each own half of the new company, Brose Aunde, which will be based in Kitzingen. Currently waiting for a merger permit from the EU antitrust authorities.

The focus of the new company is on the seating at the Autonomous driving, The developments to this effect are also summarized. The communication structure, safety and comfort in the car of tomorrow should be considered.

Specifically, one wants massage seats and develop new headrests. Weitern plans to integrate sensors in the seats, for example, the health the sitter checks. But doors should also be included in the portfolio of the joint venture. Against the background of autonomous driving, the interior of the vehicle gets more attention because you no longer have to focus on the traffic.


About David Flora

I’ve been writing about Autonomous & Connected Driving since 2011 and also talk about it on other sites like the Smart Mobility Hub. I studied social sciences at the HU Berlin and since 2012 I am a freelance journalist. Contact:

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