Volkswagen: Electrification will increase prices for small cars

Cheap small car will be there according to Volkswagen may not exist in the future. The current price level is not to be maintained if cars were equipped with electric motors.

January 21, 2019, 8:03 am,

VW muss massiv in Elektroautos investieren.

VW has to invest heavily in electric cars.
(Image: Pexels /CC0 1.0)

With the switch to electric vehicles, cars will become more expensive on Sunday according to a report from the world, and cheap cars will increasingly disappear from the manufacturers’ program. Today’s prices for small cars are untenable, if electric motors were used, said VW Supervisory Board Chairman Hans Dieter Pötsch the newspaper,

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Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO, Stuttgart, Esslingen
eco Association of Internet Economy e.V., Cologne

The question of whether people with low incomes could still afford a car in the future, will be an issue: “This is one of the issues in which we wonder whether in determining new CO2 limits and all socially relevant aspects have been considered sufficiently are.”

The first vehicle developed as an electric car by VW, the I.D., will get upwards from 30,000 euros. Customers would have to compromise on the range – more than 300 to 400 km come the vehicles without reloading.
In November 2018, the News Agency Reuters nor that VW wants to bring an electric car for less than 20,000 euros on the market.

According to the EU’s CO2 plan, greenhouse gas emissions from new cars must be cut by 37.5 percent by 2030. The fleet average in the VW Group is currently around 120 grams of CO2 per kilometer driven. It must be 95 grams in 2021, followed by the cut by 37.5 percent, a value below the 60-gram mark.

According to information of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) from December 2018, Volkswagen has to change its production and the factories again.

Volkswagen wants by 2022 eight factories on three continents operate electric vehicles based on the new MEB platform (modular electrification kit). From the end of 2019, an electric compact vehicle will be built at the Zwickau plant. Later follow Emden, Hanover, Dresden and the Czech Mlada Boleslav. In China, VW wants to manufacture electric cars in Anting and Foshan.

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