Uber’s next big idea is self-driving scooters and bikes

Uber is broadening its self-driving vehicle ambitions beyond just cars. Now it’s going after two-wheel drives.

The firm is reportedly working on self-driving scooters and electric bikes, announcing its plans at a robotics event on Sunday.

Chris Anderson, chief executive of robotics firm 3D Robotics, said Uber had announced the scooters and bikes would be able to drive themselves to charging points and “better locations.”

He added that the new “Micromobility Robotics” will be housed with Jump Bikes, which Uber acquired in April, rather than Uber Advanced Technologies Group (ATG), Uber’s self-driving car division.

Uber also has a Google form where people interested in applying for jobs with the division can get in touch.

Uber ATG had to pause its operations last year after one of its self-driving cars struck and killed a pedestrian in March, but relaunched on-road tesing in December.

Read more: Uber insiders describe infighting and questionable decisions before its self-driving car killed a pedestrian

Details on the new self-driving bike and scooter division are scant for the moment, and Uber did not immediately reply to Business Insider’s request for comment.

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