Mercedes-Benz Bank: First model declaration action – court has doubts about justification

Higher Regional Court Stuttgart

The public prosecutor’s office is examining the model declaration action in the proceedings for the Mercedes-Benz Bank.

(Photo: AP)

StuttgartIn the process for the first designation suit in Germany the Higher Regional Court (OLG) Stuttgart expressed doubts about the reasons. In the procedure goes it concerns car loan contracts of the Mercedes Benz bank, The court has determined that the revocation rules in question in the banking contracts are not objectionable, said a spokeswoman for the Higher Regional Court on Friday on the sidelines of the trial. In addition, the question remains whether the action is permissible at all.

A contentious issue is whether the complaining club has enough members for a designation claim and whether they do not pursue their own interests as lawyers. According to the Federal Office of Justice, around 680 vehicle owners have joined the lawsuit filed by the Schutzgemeinschaft für Bankkunden.

The plaintiffs want to achieve that the revocation rules in the banking contracts are declared inadmissible and thus the deadlines are also invalid. Then, they hope, they could undo the business even after years and just return their cars – not only, but especially now unloved diesels. The bank itself considers the clauses in its contracts to be correct and the claim unfounded. A decision will be made by the court on March 20.

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