Matthias Müller opens discussion: VW boss would redirect diesel subsidy in e-cars


Matthias Müller opens discussion
Volkswagen boss would divert diesel subsidy into electric cars

Nicht ganz uneigennütziger Vorstoß: VW-Konzernchef Matthias Müller


Not quite unselfish initiative: VW CEO Matthias Müller

For many years, Volkswagen has benefited from the tax subsidies for diesel vehicles. For a long time, the lower fuel prices and often lower fuel consumption compared to gasoline cars were considered as a striking purchase argument for motorists. But times have changed with the diesel scandal. The image of the “clean diesel” is badly damaged, in the cities threaten the diesel still driving bans and the resale values ​​of diesel cars decline.

The fact that now Volkswagen CEO Matthias Müller in this context, the existing tax benefits for dieselsprit in doubt, on the one hand not surprising – on the other hand, but given the tax privilege of still 8 billion euros under the line then remarkable. A privilege that still has an effect: in 2016, a little more than every second VW registered in Germany was a diesel, in the luxury-class subsidiary Audi, it was even two-thirds of the cars.

“I’m convinced by now that we should question the purpose of diesel subsidies,” the manager said “Handelsblatt” in the interview (paid) “If the conversion to environmentally friendly electric cars to succeed, the diesel engine can not be subsidized on all times as before.”

Müller wants in the core a diversion of the subsidies

Experts and environmental experts have long been calling for the removal of the tax subsidy. Who refuels diesel pays about 18 cents less on the liter of gas than a liter of gasoline. If this dubious advantage were to be eliminated, the state would save a lot of money – and car makers would have a problem.

After all, they still produce, advertise and sell diesel vehicles, which in the next generation will not only be much cleaner, but also flush a lot into the coffers of VW and Co. – money that they will need for the billions of euros needed to make the mobility turnaround.

In this respect, it is not surprising that CEO Müller does not demand the cancellation of the subsidies, but only their gentle and slow diversion from a business point of view: “Reductions in diesel subsidies and incentives for electric cars would be the right signal without having to have existential fears. “

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