Continental for data protection

The boss of the automotive supplier Continental calls for data protection to take account.

The last Federal Minister of Transport, Alexander Dobrindt (CSU), had the Ethics Committee convene with the Autonomous driving employed. Although they promised to cast their results into laws, that did not happen. Also the current Minister of Transport, Andreas Scheuer (CSU) ignores the recommendations of the commissions that he himself used.

Continentals Schutzschild der Sicherheitsarchitektur

Continental’s protective shield of security architecture. Source: Conti

The Ethics Committee In its final report, it called for sound data protection in the first place. The industry is also in favor of it, because that gives you confidence. Without confidence in the technology, sales are difficult. So now has the boss of the supplier Continental demanded that you connect the digitization in the car with the privacy, which also with the data security accompanied.

Based on mobility study The company refers to the desire of travelers in the countries of China, Germany, Japan and the USA to promote digitization in the car. However, according to the study, data protection should not fall behind. The show also the insurance. For not even every second person would use the personal data with the insurance divide.

Dr. Elmar Degenhart, CEO of Continental, spoke at the European Data Protection Day on January 28, 2019, for the ISO / SAE 21434 cybersecurity standard “Road Vehicles – Cybersecurity Engineering”. This implies an update of cybersecurity throughout the lifetime of a vehicle. With the technical terms said: “Privacy and Security by Design”. The data must be as secure as “modern online banking,” says Degenhart literally.

Privacy should not be an option. The data analysis takes place solely with anonymous information. This is already valid law, said Degenhart and referred to the Council of Europe Convention 108 of 1981. In the states have committed to data protection in automated data processing.

The permanent update of the software would be via OTA (Over The Air) technology is possible and that is what Continental is counting on. It uses short-lived certification key, so that the security during transmission is guaranteed.

The data security in the home Continental is through the subsidiaries Elektrobit and Argus Cyber ​​Security developed.

press release

About David Flora

I’ve been writing about Autonomous & Connected Driving since 2011 and also talk about it on other sites like the Smart Mobility Hub. I studied social sciences at the HU Berlin and since 2012 I am a freelance journalist. Contact:

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