Audi starts renting cars in Barcelona

Audi has already entered into the new carsharing business in Spain. From this month of January, it is already possible to rent an Audi car in the Barcelona area from a minimum time of one hour. The new ‘on demand’ service is designed as an opportunity for the commercial network to improve its revenues and profitability.

The Superwagen dealer Sant Cugat, located in that city next to Barcelona, ​​has launched the new Audi car rental platform for a limited time. The service is operational from January 21 as the first point of service in Spain, according to the brand in a statement.

Rent from one hour to 28 days

The brand of the Volksweagen group offers the possibility, througha specific website, to rent a car for a time that can range from a minimum of one hour to a maximum of 28 days. The premiere in Barcelona starts with the previous experience of the service in the United Kingdom, where eight dealers already offer the ‘carsharing’ of Audi.

“Our experience in the United Kingdom has been excellent. We are looking beyond to extend this product in other European markets, “said Bettina Bernhardt, director of Audi Business Innovation. It means the opening of new sources of income and a completely digital business for dealers, according to the directive.

Source: Global Car

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