Upcoming partial sale of the development center: works council mobilizes against sale of “Opel’s heart”

Hauptgebäude von Opels Entwicklungszentrum in Rüsselsheim


Main building of Opel’s development center in Rüsselsheim

Opel does not rest. In a leaflet, the works council fights against the impending Partial sale of the development center (ITEZ) to the external service provider Segula. The Segula deal “carries considerable risks” for those affected, according to the paper available to manager magazin. The change from 2000 employees to Segula and the sale of buildings and facilities are not necessary. The works council did not want to comment on request.

Last year, the Opel owner PSA Peugeot Citroën Show stock market chart with Segula a partial sale of the development center agreed, The center remains continues the “heart of Opel”, secured Opel boss Michael Lohscheller back then.

By the second quarter, the service provider is to take over one-third of the currently just under 7,000 Opel engineers. But the schedule hardly seems to be upheld. The management should not take any measures to change the operation regarding the transition “to Segula”, according to the leaflet.

Works councils and unions fear the big sell-off – with worse working conditions and an uncertain future. In trade union circles it is said that PSA boss Carlos Tavares plays with the fate of the employees. According to the leaflet, consultants of the works council have now presented an alternative concept to the partial sale. About a plan B had that manager magazin already reported in mid-December,

“We have explored the possibilities of a strategic partnership with various companies, the main goal of which is to safeguard sustainable development jobs at the Rüsselsheim location, which is threatened by future overcapacity.” Segula clearly showed the most comprehensive perspectives, “said a company spokesman.

Overcapacity also in the main plant Rüsselsheim

Segula is still largely unknown in this country. According to its own information, the engineering service provider employs 11,000 specialists in 28 countries worldwide; A not inconsiderable share of orders in France come from PSA. The Opel mother had opted for a partial sale of the development center, because there are too few orders for the employees there – partly because PSA operates a development department in France, partly because the orders from Opel’s former parent company General Motors in the medium term ,

But not only the ITEZ is affected by overcapacities. The production in the Rüsselsheim headquarters will also be cut back massively. This year, only 68,000 instead of 123,000 cars are planned, the “Mainzer Allgemeine” reported last week on the basis of a union employee information.

The management has the works council comprehensive short-time work as well as the conversion of two layers to one layer. The plant employs about 3,000 people. So far, these are still planning, for which there are no final decisions, the company commented.

Even before New Year’s Eve, there were fierce protests against the upcoming partial sale of the ITEZ. “Segula – au Revoir!” – shouted employees of the Opel Development Center during a demonstration in Rüsselsheim. To get to know Segula better, Opel employees visited the future headquarters. But according to leaflet there was only a mailbox, not even a bell.

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