Peugeot Hérimoncourt: employees on strike after the announcement of the closure of the site

It’s still shocking at the PSA plant in Hérimoncourt, near Montbéliard. The 213 employees of the site are abated after the announcement of the closure of the site by the management, this Wednesday, February 6. At 10am, a central works council (CSE) was held with the management of the factory.

The employees decided to disengage: they left their production line and gathered in the central courtyard of the site. A symbolic way to express their anger and misunderstanding after this decision.

“It’s really a historic site of Peugeot and closing a factory like this, especially for a company like PSA with the profits they will announce in February, it’s still serious,” said Nadia Zerkoum, representative CGT at PSA Hérimoncourt.

“We do not want this closure, we do not accept it is clear, adds Michael Faucompre, FO representative.We want what we want is to perpetuate the site so we would like things to change And it’s also a call to the central management for them to review their copy. “

No job cuts

On the management side, it is said that this is a transfer of activity and that all employees will be offered a reclassification on other sites such as Sochaux, Mulhouse or Vesoul. But in Hérimoncourt, employees want to continue to fight to maintain activity on this historic site. One of the cradles of the Peugeot family.

PSA will close its Hérimoncourt site in the Doubs and transfer 200 jobs to other sites in the region, according to management and unions #AFP

– Christine B-Nielsen (@chrisbnielsen) February 6, 2019

The Doubs factory, located a few kilometers from Montbéliard, was in charge of repackaging used engines intended to be resold and reused in automobiles. An activity that will be transferred to the site of Vesoul, 80 km away.

The workshop also assembles new engines in very small series, a production however insufficient to ensure its durability. Currently, the parts that need to be recycled arrive in Vesoul, go to Hérimoncourt and come back to Vesoul. That’s why the car group would like to centralize its activities.

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