First IONITY 350 kW Chargers Ready For Use In Denmark


350 kW is 100 times more than an ordinary household outlet

According to, one of the latest IONITY fast-charging stations in Nyborg, Denmark is the first to be enabled to support 350 kW power.

Previously, the chargers installed by IONITY were limited to about 150 kW, but now it seems that the first liquid-cooled cables were used at full power. This is quite a notable achievement and a big improvement over even 150 kW. Yet, no car on the market can accept such power levels just yet.

Step by step other stations also will be upgraded to 350 kW to be ready for the first models with ≈800 V battery packs, like the upcoming Porsche Taycan.

This super high level of charging power will be necessary for the future as we move more and more towards even longer range electric cars. Not only that, but the speed of charging offered by such stations will really make a difference on long road trips in an electric car.


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