Electric Cars: Paris Unlocks 700 Million for “Airbus Batteries”

Starting signal. This time, the Airbus battery is on track. In the wheel of Germany, France has concretized its support for the creation of a European industry for the design and manufacture of batteries for electric vehicles. The French government will mobilize 700 million euros in five years, while his counterpart in Germany has promised one billion euros by 2022, as part of an important project of common European interest (PIIEC) . Two efforts that will be supplemented by European funds .

To tell the truth, consortium European industry already exists on the subject: it is the one formed by the French Saft (owned by Total), the German Siemens and Manz, the Belgian Solvay and the Belgian Umicore. There is also another team, with BMW, Varta or Ford Werke. But the question of whether the Franco-German axis helps one or more alliance (s), and who composes said alliance or alliances is still pending. Like the location (s) of the future plant (s).

Not won

“The subject is complex, and these are heavy industrial choices that deserve several months of reflection,” says a source familiar with the matter. “The technologies are not quite fixed yet, it is better to go carefully,” says a good connoisseur of the industry.

In the meantime, the European car industry, from PSA to Volkswagen via Renault and BMW, is supporting this initiative. Today, they buy in China or Korea. “If we do not pay attention, the batteries will be Chinese, let’s say things […]. What are we waiting for to put our efforts in common? Bruno LeMaire clamored in early November, the Minister of Economy, aware that Europe has taken a serious delay on the subject. “That said, these batteries must not be solely European, they must also be competitive,” warned last spring Carlos Ghosn.

Today, Europe is a dwarf in this area. Five projects of lithium-ion cell factories are launched on the Old Continent. That of Chinese CATL, those of Korean SK, LG and Samsung, and finally that of the Swedish project Northvolt. “Together, they do not even reach the capacity of the only Gigafactory Tesla,” noted a few weeks ago Patrick Koller, the boss of the equipment manufacturer Faurecia. The stake of a European supply is major: the battery, it is about 40% of the added value of an electric car …

The President of the Republic must specify tonight a variety of measures to promote vehicles (charging stations, maintenance bonus, benefits to use, allowances in public orders, support for business fleets …) . The Elysee will also call on European manufacturers to work together on the autonomous vehicle.

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