Closure of the PSA site: Bruno Le Maire will fight “for the industrial future” of Hérimoncourt

“I can not imagine for a moment that Peugeot does not keep an industrial activity on the site of Hérimoncourt,” said the minister in the National Assembly, in response to a question from MP Frédéric Barbier (LREM). “This is where the great adventure of Peugeot was born,” he said, after last week’s announcement by PSA of its plan to transfer in 2020 to its spare parts center in Vesoul (Haute- Saône) Hérimoncourt’s main activity in spare parts. “I fought for the Ascoval site, I’m fighting for the (Ford) Blanquefort site in Bordeaux and I will fight for the Hérimoncourt site and for an industrial activity to be preserved on the site”, assured the Mayor.

Carlos Tavares will write to elected representatives of the region

“I can therefore announce that you will receive, in a few hours or a few days, a letter from the president of PSA Carlos Tavares who will invite you to discuss with all the elected representatives of the region of the industrial future of the site of Hérimoncourt so that we maintain industrial jobs on the site, “he anticipated. The main activity of this PSA site is the repackaging of used engines intended to be resold and reused in automobiles. The transfer of these activities to Vesoul would empty this site of its substance and hover the prospect of its closure, although the group ensures seek a solution of reconversion. The workshop also assembles new engines in very small series, a production however insufficient to ensure its durability.
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