HERE: Continual & quality of network coverage

The map service provider HERE has a new partner, Continual, and integrates the quality of network coverage into its material.

The enterprise HERE has a new partner, namely Continual. Together we want to promote mobility networking. Specifically, it is about the combination of integrated solutions, the establishment of 5G and the radio network coverage on the road.

Funkempfang auf der HERE Map

Radio reception on the HERE Map. Source: HERE

The integrated solution for the portable radio places the two enterprises on the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona in the coming week. In this regard, you have incorporated the reception of mobile phones into cards and so you know, for example, when you approach a radio hole. These should already be with the former Minister of Transport, Alexander Dobrindt (CSU) be cleared out. But also in the development of 5G under the new Minister of Transport, Andreas Scheuer (CSU), there will be many white spots.

In the HERE maps not only the dead spots and the signal strength will be recorded, it also represents a comparison of the different networks. The graphic processing takes place via the dashboard of Continual.

Continual also summarizes the HERE Cellular Signals and HERE Traffic Analytics, which relates the information about mobile communications with the road network and a look at the traffic patterns allows. This way you can better guarantee the networking. In addition, a prognosis and automation of the changes in mobile radio on the route are possible, which can be used for the relief of mobile radio cells.

The continuous supply of mobile radio is also and especially for that Autonomous driving significant. If you get into a radio hole, the necessary data can be downloaded in good time. The Smart Cities can also benefit from this, as it gives you position-accurate data on traffic movements. This can better guide the traffic.

The HERE Cellular Signals card is available for streets in 196 countries. It covers highways, urban roads and small residential streets in rural areas. The data is aggregated anonymously. It also contains Wi-Fi signals and their GPS data. In total, more than 250 million networked devices are being collected worldwide. The refresh rate is over 100 million times a day.

press release (English)

About David Flora

I’ve been writing about Autonomous & Connected Driving since 2011 and also talk about it on other sites like the Smart Mobility Hub. I studied social sciences at the HU Berlin and since 2012 I am a freelance journalist. Contact:

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