Faconauto considers that the Energy and Climate Package returns the trust to the buyers

The management of the concessionaires, Faconauto, has indicated that the approval today in the Council of Ministers of the Energy and Climate Package will contribute to transfer certainty and confidence to the buyers. This is possible, in his opinion, because finally references to prohibitions of combustion vehicles have been eliminated, and measures have been taken to develop with the collaboration of the sector and the Administration.

Faconauto has positively assessed the final wording of the texts, as it considers it a good starting point for the transition to the decarbonisation of mobility to be carried out in an orderly and just manner, as it has defended, since it is not refers, for the moment, to the prohibition of any available technology.

In particular, employers consider it very important to talk about the gradual reduction of emissions and that it is specifically aimed at working with the sector on measures that contribute to the introduction of zero emission vehicles.

It also stresses that the Preliminary draft contextualizes the decarbonisation of mobility in accordance with European regulations, since it is necessary to avoid the reproduction in the national territory of climate change laws such as that of the Balearic Islands, which hinders market unity and could fail to comply the right of the European Union.

“The Draft Bill on Climate Change reflects, to a large extent, the approach we have defended from the concessionaires, which is basically that the transition towards the decarbonisation of mobility is done in a reasonable way, just for the citizens and without put in doubt any of the technologies that we have. We hope that the text presented today serves to end the negative climate and uncertainty around the automobile to change the dynamics in the registrations, which have been falling for half a year, “said the president of Faconauto, Gerardo Pérez.

Renewal of the automobile fleet

On the other hand, Faconauto is hopeful that, during the future parliamentary procedure, after the celebration of the general elections, measures that provide certainty will be included while the aging automobile fleet is renewed.

Gerardo Pérez points out in this regard that “we agree on the goal towards decarbonization. To do this, we propose a roadmap so that, before the 2030 horizon, vehicles with a seniority of more than 10 years will be scrapped, for which they should be taken into account, within the budget to boost mobility zero emissions, sufficient incentives to that all citizens can access these vehicles, especially those of medium and low incomes “.

Faconauto is the employer association that integrates the associations of official dealers of the brands of tourisms and agricultural machinery present in the Spanish market. It represents the interests of 2,219 dealerships on which approximately the 3,642 companies of the second level of distribution depend (agencies and official services), which totals more than 5,861 automotive SMEs. These companies generate 162,434 direct jobs, a turnover of 46,240 million and represent 3.2% of GDP.

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