CharIN Starts Development Of Fast Charging Beyond 1 MW


1 MW is equal to 1,000 kW or a few hundred households

CharIN, which so far was focused on the Combined Charging System, released an announcement about a new standard under development for high power charging of trucks, buses, aircraft or other large BEVs beyond 1 MW.

The new solution – High Power Charging for Commercial Vehicles (HPCCV) – is envisioned as conductive (plug type) with voltage of up to 1,500 V and current of up to 3,000 A! It seems that the 350 kW at 800 V is not even close to what the heavy duty charges will provide. On the other hand, raising the bar was expected, especially as some manufacturers announced higher power charging (i.e. Tesla Megachargers).

See very interesting requirement list here.

Positive information is that backward compatibility with CCS charging system is considered. Work is just starting and interested parties are invited to join the HPCCV working group.

From the press release:

“A CharIN e.V. working group defined requirements for a commercial vehicle high power charging standard within the holistic system approach of the Combined Charging System. Contributions to solve the set of requirements are welcome.

The CharIN e.V. formed the working group High Power Charging for Commercial Vehicle Charging (HPCCV) with the purpose to define a new commercial vehicle high power charging solution to maximize customer flexibility when using fully electric commercial vehicles.

The scope of the technical recommendation is to be limited to the connector and any related requirements for the EVSE, the vehicle, communication, and related hardware.

The standard focuses on Class 6, 7, & 8 commercial vehicles, but could easily be used for buses, aircraft or other large battery electric vehicles (BEVs).

Separate subgroups were formed to explore the problem from their unique point of view: Customers, Truck & Bus OEMs, Utilities, Site selection and permitting firms, EVSE manufacturers, Service Providers, Hardware manufacturers and Cyber Security experts. From those inputs, a single requirements document was created, which was further refined by the working group.

The CharIN e.V. is now calling for contributions to solve this set of requirements. All submissions will be reviewed and graded based on how well they solve the requirements and on their technological readiness.

The deadline for submissions is March 22nd, 2019.

The working group HPCCV will review the submissions and request further clarification or presentation of the concept to the working group HPCCV between March 25th and May 15th, 2019.”

Source: CharIN, High Power Charging for Commercial Vehicles (HPCCV)

Categories: Bus, Charging, Trucks

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