Subaru Corporation Announces Changes in Directors and Auditors(Effective June 2019)

March 1, 2019

Subaru Corporation Announces Changes in Directors and Auditors
(Effective June 2019)

Tokyo, March 1, 2019 – The Board of Directors of Subaru Corporation today resolved the following changes in the members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Corporate Auditors, with the aim of reinforcing the company’s corporate governance. Appointments of the Directors and Auditors will be proposed at the Company’s 88th General Meeting of Shareholders scheduled for June 2019.

1. Nominees for Directors
All of the current Directors will retire on the expiration of their term of office.
Nominees for new Directors are as follows:

Director of the Board
Yasuyuki Yoshinaga
(Current title: Director of the Board, Chairman )
Representative Director of the Board
Tomomi Nakamura
(Current title: Representative Director of the Board, President)
Representative Director of the Board
Deputy President
Kazuo Hosoya
(Current title: Deputy President)
Director of the Board
Executive Vice President
Toshiaki Okada
(Current title: Director of the Board, Executive Vice President)
Director of the Board
Executive Vice President
Yoichi Kato
(Current title: Director of the Board, Executive Vice President)
Director of the Board
Executive Vice President
Tetsuo Onuki
(Current title: Director of the Board, Executive Vice President)
Outside Director Shigehiro Aoyama
(Current title: Outside Director)
Outside Director Yasuyuki Abe
(Current title: Outside Corporate Auditor)
Outside Director Natsunosuke Yago
(Current title: Chairman of the Board, Ebara Corporation)

◎: Newly appointed

2. Nominees for Corporate Auditors
Akira Mabuchi and Shinichi Mita will retire as Corporate Auditors on the expiration of their term of office.
Yasuyuki Abe will resign.
Nominees for new Corporate Auditors are as follows:

Standing Corporate Auditor Akira Mabuchi
(Current title: Standing Corporate Auditor )
Outside Corporate Auditor Shigeru Nosaka
(Current title: Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Oracle Corporation Japan)
Outside Corporate Auditor Kyoko Okada
(Current title: Audit & Supervisory Board Member (standing), Shiseido Co., Ltd.)

◎: Newly appointed

As current Corporate Auditor Shuzo Haimoto will continue to be in his term of office, the total number of Corporate Auditors will be four.

3. Retiring Director

Yoshinori Komamura (Current title: Outside Director)

4. New Board of Directors
(Subject to election of Directors at the Company’s 88th General Meeting of Shareholders scheduled for June 2019)

Name Areas of responsibility
as Executive Officer
(Effective April 1, 2019)
Yasuyuki Yoshinaga
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Tomomi Nakamura
Representative Director
Member of the Executive Nomination Meeting and the Executive Compensation Meeting – Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
– Aerospace Company
– Quality
Kazuo Hosoya
Representative Director
Deputy President
Member of the Executive Nomination Meeting and the Executive Compensation Meeting – Manufacturing
– China Project Office
Chief General Manager of Manufacturing Div. and Gunma Plant
Toshiaki Okada
Executive Vice President
Member of the Executive Nomination Meeting and the Executive Compensation Meeting – Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
– Secretarial Office
– Finance & Accounting Dept.
– Human Resources Dept.
Yoichi Kato
Executive Vice President
– Chief Risk Management Officer (CRMO)
– Risk Management Group
– External Relations Dept.
– Intellectual Property Dept.
Tetsuo Onuki
Executive Vice President
– Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
Shigehiro Aoyama
Outside Director
Member of the Executive Nomination Meeting and the Executive Compensation Meeting
Yasuyuki Abe
Outside Director
Member of the Executive Nomination Meeting and the Executive Compensation Meeting
Natsunosuke Yago
Outside Director
Member of the Executive Nomination Meeting and the Executive Compensation Meeting


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