A “new start” for the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi Alliance

Make a clean sweep of past mistakes and start afresh. In presenting the new governance of the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi Alliance on Tuesday in Yokohama, the leaders of the three groups insisted on the “fresh start” taken on Tuesday by their original partnership. “It’s time to move to a new stage” and “to rediscover the spirit of the Alliance, based on balance and respect, as it was when it was created in the early 1990s,” insisted Jean. -Dominique Senard, president of Renault and future president of the Alliance.

In a dry state

At his side, appearing for the first time side by side in public since the spectacular arrest of Carlos Ghosn on November 19, the three managing directors of Renault, Nissan and Mitsubishi: Thierry Bolloré, Hiroto Saikawa, and Osamu Masuko. After four months of blows and suspicions, the three leaders posted on the podium a beautiful unit, at least front, anxious to emphasize the solemn nature of the announcement of the day. “The Alliance is out of order, they want to start talking business again,” says a good connoisseur of the file.

As “Les Echos” announced it on Monday Alliance governance and operations will now be led by a new “Alliance Council”, which will act as a decision-making body. It will consist of four members: the general managers of the three manufacturers and the president of Renault, who will also be president. “Joint projects will be led by project leaders, who will report to the Council and enjoy a certain autonomy,” said Jean-Dominique Senard. The complex organization put in place by Carlos Ghosn for 20 years will be simply put away. Exit, opaque Dutch companies, RNBV and NMBV. The Council will now meet in Paris or Tokyo.

Sensitive topics

Jean-Dominique Senard has carefully avoided all sensitive topics. “I have to live up to my reputation as a diplomat,” he smiled. No question of touching the capital balance between the three groups, nor the RAMA, the secret contract that governs relations between Renault and Nissan. No clear answer either on the functioning of the new Council in case of blockage. “I am confident that we will reach consensus,” he said.

The president of Renault mainly announced that that he will not seek the presidency of Nissan – a highly symbolic point in the eyes of the Japanese: in Yokohama, the idea of ​​appointing a Frenchman to this post was considered inconceivable after the Ghosn affair. And this, even if Renault owns 43% of the Japanese manufacturer. “I will be a natural candidate for the post of vice president,” hammered the French boss several times.

20 years of the Alliance

Something to give a smile to the leaders of Nissan. “Mr. Senard is ready to respect the recommendations of our governance committee, a key element for us,” said Hiroto Saikawa, who also welcomed the status quo adopted on the capital structure. “In the last three years we have focused too much on integration for integration. But we must instead set priorities, go faster on operations, “he also said.

The four leaders are scheduled to meet in Paris at the end of the month to celebrate the 20 years of the Alliance. The technical and legal details of the new Council should be defined on this occasion. Before new announcements on the operational level? “You will be surprised at how strong this alliance is,” promised Jean-Dominique Senard.

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