Daimler, VW, BMW: Relaxation after a crisis call: Automakers agree on e-car strategy

Finally, the telephone conversation with the CEO of Daimler. BMW and VW took about 40 minutes. After ten minutes it was already clear that everyone would pull together, industry representatives reported to the Handelsblatt following the conference call.

The Future belongs to electric mobility, and this will be the only technology in the decade ahead to comply with environmental legislation in the European Union. This view was from VW-Boss Herbert dies as well as from Daimler-Boss Dieter Zetsche and the supreme BMW-Responsible Harald Krüger shared.

This unity is already a success. In the past few days emotions were boiled because This is a more massive promotion of e-cars at the expense from combustors, Ultimately, he had questioned the whereabouts of the VW Group in the Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA).

This danger should be banned. A representative of the VDA said after the call that it was a constructive conversation. A common position has been found, about which the association will inform in a timely manner.

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According to industry sources, the three manufacturers will submit their respective concepts for promoting electromobility to the VDA. “On the basis of these concepts, the association should then work out a consensus paper,” it said. This should then be the common position towards politics.

Electromobility: Volkswagen splits the automotive industry

In essence, the industry wants to position the consensus paper as the basis for the expansion of the charging infrastructure as well as a future funding backdrop. So far, it is debatable to what extent the sale of burners should be taxed. VW wants to redeem the financial benefits for diesel in subsidies for e-cars. BMW and Daimler reject this.

Companies are under pressure to set a common position. Already next month, a mobility summit could take place in the Chancellor’s Office, where a discussion will be held on the framework conditions for the expansion of electromobility. It would be fatal if the manufacturers did not represent a consistent line, said a senior industry representative.

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