Tariff commissions in the car trade want to demand 5 percent more money

The collective bargaining committees of the IG Metall want in the upcoming collective bargaining round in the car trade, inter alia, 5 percent demand more money, in addition to other regional claims components. Trainees will once again get a disproportionate amount of money to make the automotive trades more attractive to skilled workers. This recommendation was approved by the elected collective bargaining committees of the individual motor vehicle tariff zones yesterday in their regional meetings.

The members of the collective bargaining committees, mostly representatives of the companies, have discussed their possible claims with the IG Metall members in their companies. Despite the downward trend of the economy and the straining “diesel affair”, the members of the collective bargaining committee justify their demand for more money with the increase in prices and the progress of productivity. Sales per employee in the automotive trades have increased in recent years more and more. The workload in car dealerships and workshops has increased significantly.

More and more work with less staff

“With us staff is reduced. For the remaining employees, the working pressure increases. Our sick leave is extremely high, “reports Katja Grau, works council member of the VW service subsidiary OTLG in the Hessian Baunatal. “We have too little staff for the existing work. We notice that especially in the holiday season. Even summer help will save management this year. “

Katja Grau is a member of the IG Metall tariff commission for the motor vehicle trade in Hessen. At the tariff committee meeting yesterday in Raunheim, she voted in favor of “5 percent more money” – just like most of the regional tariff commissions.

Digitization leads to increased work and performance

A similar vote has already been made by the IG Metall members in the car dealerships and workshops: the vast majority consider that a demand of 4 to 6 percent more money is appropriate. This is shown by an ongoing survey of IG Metall Mitte, which already has results from most companies.

In particular, the digitization, which is getting faster and faster in the motor trade, is leading to a concentration of work and performance, explains Collective Commissioner Francisco Campos. He is chairman of the works council in the Mercedes branch Frankfurt am Main. “Already today, nothing works without laptops and tablets in the workshop. The technology is getting faster and faster and gives more and more the beat. That’s why our employees also discuss ways of relieving employees, such as leaving their old age or having more free time, which our Mercedes colleagues in industry already have. “

Further increase the degree of organization in the automotive industry

The members of the Kfz tariff commission Hessen agree in Raunheim that they want to focus in the current collective bargaining round first on the topic increase in pay. In order to enforce work time requirements in the metalworking and electronics industry like one year ago, careful preparation is required – and more assertiveness by more IG Metall members in the factories.

More members – that’s what the Hessian collective bargaining members want to tackle more in the upcoming round of bargaining. Together in Raunheim they discuss how they can systematically address non-members and win them over for IG Metall and joint actions.

Car workers are ready to fight

The majority of IG Metall members in the factories are ready to take part in actions and warning strikes for their demands. This is shown by the results of the survey in the IG Metall district of Mitte.

Preparations for action on the motor vehicle pay round are already underway. The members of the collective bargaining committee in Hesse and other activists of IG Metall from the companies, for example, have worked out a strategy and an action plan together in recent weeks.

Nationwide action days planned for early June

After the IG Metall executive committee has decided on the demand, from then on the regional tariff commissions will begin negotiations with the employers. In Hessen it starts on May 24th.

The IG Metall members in the car companies are preparing for warning strikes. For the beginning of June, nationwide action days are planned.

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