Porsche boss proposes subscription model to deter speculators

Porsche CEO Oliver Blume has proposed a subscription model as a potential solution to speculators buying the firm’s limited edition cars to sell on at huge profits.

Although the problem of investors making huge mark-ups is industry-wide, Porsche’s volume of highly collectable, very limited run models, ranging from the Boxster Spyder through to Porsche 911 GT and R models and the 918 Spyder, has regularly put it in the spotlight.

In particular, the 911 R hit the headlines in 2016 when collectors were reported to be spending around five times its asking price just months after its launch in order to jump waiting lists.

“Our interest is to sell cars for drivers, not dealers,” said Blume. “We put so much love into them, with the goal of people driving them not to put them in a garage.

“One thing we could do is look at leasing models to try to avoid this kind of dealing, so the car doesn’t get sold on for a period of time. It is one solution.”

First refusal on limited run cars are usually dictated by retailers and given to regular customers, but this has failed to stop speculators selling on, while some car dealers are also believed to be on the preferential lists, albeit with the express intention of selling the cars on.

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