Navya & Integral Group

The Integral Group announces a cooperation with the manufacturer of Autonomous E-shuttles Navya.

It’s about providing Autonomous Vehicles in Doraville near by Atlanta in the US state of Georgia. For this one has the French supplier Navya chosen.

Navya Logo

Navya logo. Source: Navya

Specifically, the Navya shuttles to the former GMTerrain assembly Doraville drive. The industrial park has been converted into a quarter of the film production in recent years. Furthermore, commercial and residential space will be created there. Also the gastronomy and the entertainment you want to accommodate there.

The use of the shuttles should lead to improved accessibility. This is how the shuttle will operate between the nearby train stations, MARTA and Chamblee MARTA. The route is driven in quarter-hourly intervals or comes on request.

The development company Integral Group wants to adapt to the modern traffic and bring in the location. The Navya models are made in the USA, since Navya there one production hall entertains. They will be delivered this spring.

press release

About David Flora

I’ve been writing about Autonomous & Connected Driving since 2011 and also talk about it on other sites like the Smart Mobility Hub. I studied social sciences at the HU Berlin and since 2012 I am a freelance journalist. Contact:

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