Photorealistic Simulator for Autonomous Driving

Researchers from various research institutes have developed a new simulator for autonomous test drives: AADS.

The testing of autonomous driving is not only on the real road, but also in the virtual world. These virtual world should be as detailed as possible to teach the car the correct maneuvers.

Neue Simulationswelt.

New simulation world. Source:

Researchers from the University of Maryland (UND), University of Hong Kong Baidu Research has developed a photorealistic simulation system for training and validation of self-propelled vehicles. The environment of the system consists of high-quality computer graphics and mathematically rendered traffic patterns.

The system was christened Augmented Autonomous Driving Simulation (AADS) and will be placed in front of the road test. There, the known difficulties of the vehicles are to be tested. This promotes safety and avoids such accidents, as in the case of About Accident in March 2018 in Arizona,

AADS is a system that unrivaled the environment based on scientific knowledge. It uses the data to more accurately map autonomous driving. These data are tricked into the car, so you can check the reaction. The sensors are fed with computer-generated content.

The AADS combines photos, videos and lidar point clouds of pedestrian, bicycle and car traffic. In this way you train the vehicle to navigate safely through the traffic. This data is collected beforehand and then rendered. In doing so, one not only resorts to mathematical but also to social science methods.

The data has been collected over several years and AADS developed a system that paints the individual images and videos in a coherent world. Thus, one can produce a variety of photorealistic driving scenarios. The traffic situations can be put together individually. This concerns both pedestrian traffic, perspectives or different traffic levels. The imaging technique allows smooth transitions with relatively little distortion.

This allows the system to simulate more accurate data and thus to better evaluate the navigation strategies of the autonomous driving system.

source (English)

About David Flora

I’ve been writing about Autonomous & Connected Driving since 2011 and also talk about it on other sites like the Smart Mobility Hub. I studied social sciences at the HU Berlin and since 2012 I am a freelance journalist. Contact:

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