300 jobs threatened by Sintertech’s judicial recovery

Sintertech relapse. The automotive subcontractor specialized in powder metallurgy and sintering of metal parts was placed on March 27, 2019 in receivership by the Commercial Court of Grenoble (Isère) for a period of six months. Sintertech employs 230 people at two sites in Isère in Veurey and Pont-de-Claix and 68 in Oloron-Sainte-Marie in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques. Sintertech has experienced recurrent difficulties for ten years. In 2013, the company was bought by Thierry Morin from the Federal Mogul group for a symbolic euro. 130 jobs were then cut. Between 2016 and 2017, his losses were reduced by almost half. They amounted to 2.5 million euros for a turnover of 47.66 million euros in 2017. According to its shareholder, the company has returned to equilibrium since.

Ten years of crisis

Employees denounce a “lack of anticipation”. For Stéphane Dejean, elected CGT, “the current shareholder is […]

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