Thirty employees of PSA block the entrance to the site of Hérimoncourt (25), whose closure has been announced

This Thursday, April 4, shortly before five o’clock in the morning, the cold winter almost certainly did not help to warm the relations between the employees of the factory PSA Hérimoncourt and the management of Peugeot.

About 30 strikers (half of the workforce) stand there, in the rain at the entrance of the site, for a new strike supposed to last until the next day. After having already disengaged on March 11, all continue to denounce the closure of their factory, decision announced by Peugeot in general surprise last month.

A transfer always denounced

PSA wishes to transfer the activity of Hérimoncourt to Vesoul, and this from the spring of 2020; but is the decision justified? An expertise has been requested, and it is precisely this expertise that the strikers wish to consult.

Our journalists are on site, more information will come during the day.

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