Volkswagen launches shared renting for young people

Having a car can in the future like sharing a Netflix subscription among several users. The first test will be carried out by Volkswagen with a new campaign to share the expenses of therenting, a formula very aimed at a young audience.

The‘Our Renting’ campaignaims to turn the car into an affordable means of transport with a price of five euros a day for each of the two users. The rental contract is flexible and allows you to modify the duration from one to three years, change the users and the distribution of fees and add additional services.

New flexible renting

The price of 300 euros per month for a Volkswagen Polo without entry includes full insurance without excess, maintenance, coverage of breakdowns. guarantee, roadside assistance and management of fines and taxes. The formula allows you to pay a maximum entry of 20% of the value of the car to reduce monthly fees.

The offer even foresees what happens in the event that one of the users decides to renounce the use of the car and does not pay the fees. The contract establishes that one of the users is the owner, who would assume the payment of the entire fee, although it is possible to change partners.

The Volkswagen brand launches the new formula after seeing the great increase experienced by therenting among private customers, which in the case of the company was 700% in 2018 and 2,000% in the Polo.

New trend among individuals

“We return to the car formulas that are very installed in the day to day of our customers, especially among the youngest. The payment for use with all the included services is an intelligent purchase that every day attracts more people. The car can not be alien to this trend “, explains Albert García, Marketing Director of Volkswagen in Spain.

“At the end of 2017 we began to perceive a trend in the market: the restrictive policies announced by some municipalities and the transition to new technologies, were generating uncertainty in the consumer and retaining a significant part of the demand,” continues the manager. “It was then when we decided that it was time to enhance the renting among individuals,” says the manager.

Source: Global Car

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