Honda and Nidec-Shimpo Collaborate to Mass-Produce Omni-directional Driving Wheel System


Company name: Nidec-Shimpo Corporation
Representative: Tatsuya Nishimoto (Representative
Member of the Board of Directors and
Address: 1 Kohtari, Terada, Nagaokakyo-city,
Kyoto 617-0833 Japan
Press contact: Hitoshi Fukushima
(Member of the Board of Directors and
Senior Vice President)
Tel.: 075-958-3606

Released on December 3rd, 2018, in Kyoto, Japan

Honda and Nidec-Shimpo Collaborate to Mass-Produce Omni-directional Driving Wheel System

Nidec-Shimpo Corporation ("Nidec-Shimpo") is collaborating with Honda Motor Co., Ltd. ("Honda") in a joint effort to mass-produce an omni-directional driving wheel system, the "Honda Omni Traction Drive System" (the "system") developed by Honda. The product is expected to be launched in January 2019.

Honda Omni Traction Drive System
combined with actuators

The system is an omni-directional driving wheel system developed independently by Honda and used in the concept model of the company's "UNI-CUB" personal mobility device. Nidec-Shimpo, having recognized the superiority of the system, has adopted it for use in the concept model of the NEXT S-CART—the next generation of the company's S-CART line of AGVs—that has been receiving attention at various trade shows since last year.

By combining the expertise of Honda with Nidec-Shimpo's know-how in manufacturing it has become possible to start mass production of the system earlier than initially planned. Furthermore, in addition to expanding its S-CART lineup, Nidec-Shimpo also plans to sell the system as a stand-alone product.

Original Article

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