Elon Musk tweets explanation why a 100% charge might not be good for Tesla Model 3

CALIFORNIA: Charging smartphones to full 100 per cent may save the hassle on your way back from a long commute, but do not do this to your Tesla Model 3.

Elon Musk tweets explanation why a 100% charge might not be good for Tesla Model 3
In a tweet response to a new Tesla Model 3 owner, CEO Elon Musk explained why the new-age electric car should not be charged to the brim. He wrote that one must charge the vehicle up to a maximum of 90-95 per cent.

At 100 per cent state of charge, Musk explained, regenerative braking doesn’t work, because when the battery is full the car is less energy efficient. Regenerative braking is a technology that allows braking energy to be stored for later use, extending the car’s battery efficiency.

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