Subaru Corporation Announces Production, Japan Sales and Export Resultsfor March 2019 and FYE2019 (Flash Report)

April 25, 2019

Subaru Corporation Announces Production, Japan Sales and Export Results
for March 2019 and FYE2019 (Flash Report)

March 2019 Jan-Mar 2019
Units 2019 vs 2018 Units ’19 vs ’18
Domestic production *1


-12.2% 8th consecutive month of y/y decrease


Overseas production *2


+12.3% 9th consecutive month of y/y increase


Global production total


-4.5% 4th consecutive month of y/y decrease


Passenger vehicles 16,022 -5.4% 17th consecutive month of y/y decrease 31,093 -15.8%
Mini vehicles 3,034 -27.8% 4th consecutive month of y/y decrease 7,389 -25.7%
Japan sales total 19,056 -9.8% 17th consecutive month of y/y decrease 38,482 -17.9%
Export total *3


-7.9% 5th consecutive month of y/y decrease



< Production >

Domestic production decreased year-on-year due to changes in plant operation schedules.
Overseas production increased year-on-year boosted by production of Ascent which started in May 2018.

< Sales in Japan >

Passenger vehicle sales decreased year-on-year, as sales of Impreza and Subaru XV models declined offsetting strong sales of the fully-redesigned Forester launched in July 2018.
Mini vehicle sales decreased year-on-year as sales of Pleo and other models declined.

< Exports >

Exports from Japan decreased year-on-year due to a decrease in domestic production.
April 2018 - March 2019 (FYE2019)
Units FYE2019 vs FYE2018
Domestic production *1


-12.0% 2nd consecutive year of decrease
Overseas Production *2
+6.8% 5th consecutive year of increase
Global Production Total


-5.8% 2nd consecutive year of decrease
Passenger Vehicles 113,500 -16.9% First decrease in 3 years
Mini Vehicles 26,568 -16.8% 5th consecutive year of decrease
Japan Sales Total 140,068 -16.9% First decrease in 3 years
Export Total *3


-11.7% 2nd consecutive year of decrease

◎: Record high for April-March period

< Production >

Domestic production decreased as production of Impreza and Subaru XV models declined.
Overseas production increased boosted by production of Ascent which started in May 2018.

< Sales in Japan >

Passenger vehicle sales decreased as sales of Impreza and Subaru XV models declined offsetting strong sales of the fully-redesigned Forester launched in July 2018.
Mini vehicle sales decreased as sales of Pleo and other models declined.

< Exports >

Exports from Japan decreased due to a decrease in domestic production.

*1 JAMA (Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association Inc.) report basis (CBU)
*2 Local line-off basis
*3 JAMA report basis

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