CCS Reaches 7,000 DC Fast Chargers In Europe

95 or less than 1.5% of public CCS is equal to or above 100 kW

The European counter of the CCS Combo DC chargers turned 7,000 after Tesla retrofitted its Supercharging network to CCS-compatible plugs for the European Model 3.

According to the CCS Charge Map, overall there are about 7,023 CCS chargers in Europe and new ones are installed at an average pace of 6.6 per day (compared to the long-term average of 3.9 per day since mid-2014). During the past 12 months, some 2,421 chargers with CCS plugs were installed (including Tesla retrofit).

The current edition of the map distinguishes the chargers as follows:

  • 5,949 Regular chargers available 24/7
  • 664 Regular chargers not available 24/7
  • 95 Fast chargers available 24/7
  • 396 Tesla chargers available 24/7

* Regular is usually 20-50 kW, while the Fast seems to starts from 100 kW and ends at 350 kW

** Tesla chargers are available only for Tesla cars

*** A significant characteristic of CCS Combo locations are that they are often also multi-standard chargers, with both CHAdeMO and/or 3-phase AC type 2 along for the ride.

Number of CCS Combo chargers installed in Europe – April 29, 2019


Top 5 countries with the highest number of CCS Combo chargers installed:

  1. Germany – 1,735
  2. UK – 1,268
  3. France – 625
  4. Norway – 600
  5. Sweden – 401

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