BMW Group launches new communication format.

Munich. The BMW Group will strike out in a new direction with regard to how it presents its future technologies, services and products. From 25 to 27 June 2019 the company invites selected international journalists, analysts and further stakeholders to “BMW Group #NEXTGen” at BMW Welt in Munich. The event is also live-streamed publicly.

The company is expanding its global commitment at international motorshows as well as tech and future-topic shows with an independent and periodic individual mobility format “made by BMW Group”. Apart from world premieres of new models, the focus will above all be on the latest state of technological developments from all D+ACES levels of the company:
Design, Autonomous Driving, Connectivity, Electrification, Services.

Harald Krüger, Chairman of the Board of BMW AG, states: “We clearly defined our claim and the path we will take with Strategy Numer ONE > NEXT in 2016 already. Our product initiative and our investment into the D+ACES topic of the future are proof of this.  With #NEXTGen we are also treading new communication paths with the focus on conducting a dialogue about individual mobility topics. We want to shape the future together and provide solutions.”

Further information about the BMW Group #NEXTGen kick-off event will follow soon.

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