Leaks: Tesla employees have to be silent – or leave

TeslaEmployees have apparently been contacted multiple times through social media to obtain confidential information about them. The company has warned against such skimming attempts and clarified the implications for those who can not resist.

May 4, 2019, 2:15 pm,

Tesla-Chef Elon Musk: Beendigung des Arbeitsverhältnisses, Schadenersatz, Strafanzeige

Tesla boss Elon Musk: termination of employment, damages, criminal charges
(Image: Frederic J. Brown / AFP / Getty Images)

Those who pass on internals get in trouble: The US electric car maker Tesla has warned its employees that outsiders could try to elicit corporate information. Tesla reminded the employees of their duty of confidentiality and counted concrete consequences for violations.

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The success of Tesla draws attention to the company, it says in the mail, the the US television channel CNBC leaked has been. There is a great interest in everything that concerns Tesla. Some people would do anything to see the company fail. It also involves engaging employees through social networks and tempting them to divulge intellectual property. Corresponding experiments should be reported.

Company management reminded employees that everyone in the company has “a responsibility to protect all the information and technology we use and generate every day.” At the same time, she also threatened that violations would be severely punished: “Tesla will take action against those who leak inadmissibly confidential business information or violate the secrecy we all agreed to, including termination of employment, claims for damages and even criminal charges. “

Tesla dismissed a press informant

To lend weight to the threats, the Mail lists several examples of action taken against unauthorized employees: earlier this year, an employee was fired for providing information to journalists. And recently another was terminated, who published the dial-up data for an internal telephone conference in the social media. Another, who copied confidential data and threatened to publish it, was shown.

The media had several times citing informants at Tesla reported on internals, including recently on the Difficulties between Tesla and the battery manufacturer Panasonic or new production problems with the Model 3,

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